Screenshot of Sam Thorpe in a suit presenting at a board meeting with a in-laid presentation of community and staff survey responses on the top right, text at bottom says Superintendent Search Update May 29th, 2024

On Tuesday evening, May 28, the Alamance-Burlington Board of Education received an update from Sam Thorp of the North Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA) regarding the search for the next superintendent for the Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS).

Mr. Thorp shared compiled results from the online community and staff surveys regarding the qualities and characteristics that respondents rated as most important for the next school leader for the district. In total, he announced that a record number of survey responses were completed during the three-week survey window with 2,313 responses to the community survey and 1,318 responses for the staff survey. More than one-third of the completed survey responses also included written comments which were provided to board members.

The deadline to submit applications to serve as the school system’s next superintendent has passed and Mr. Thorp shared that the board received strong interest in its public posting of the superintendent vacancy from thirty-four (34) applicants in 14 different states, including North Carolina.

Received applications will be processed by the NCSBA and released to ABSS board members this week. The board will begin the process of reviewing the applications and moving into the interview stage of the superintendent search process over the next few weeks.

Please review the 3 attachments:

NCSBA Superintendent Search Presentation to ABSS Board of Education:

ABSS Community Survey:

ABSS Staff Survey: