ABSS Board members signing final beam at new high school's topping out ceremony

In a time-honored tradition among builders, a topping out ceremony was held at the site of Alamance-Burlington School System’s new high school today to celebrate the final piece of steel being placed onto the future school.  The school, which has yet to be named, is the first comprehensive high school to be built in Alamance County in 60 years.  

“As we all know, a school is more than buildings, furniture, and colors. I’m excited to work with our ABSS team to create an inclusive, supportive, and innovative space that will allow our students to thrive for decades to come, said Principal Eric Yarbrough.  

Many of the people responsible for the building’s creation, including Alamance County Commissioners, ABSS Board of Education, and contractors had an opportunity to sign the final steel beam for posterity.  

“Our community’s future success is closely tied to our students; our graduates--we want them to stay here, to put down roots and help shape our county’s growth. This campus is a tangible symbol of Alamance County’s investment in our community’s future,” said Superintendent Dr. Dain Butler. 

In 2018, voters overwhelmingly supported the $150 million education bond with $67 million for the new school and the remaining for other school improvements.  The 221,000 square foot facility will have a capacity for 1,250 students when it opens for students next year.  

“Together, we made this day possible. I can’t wait for us to join together again to celebrate a ribbon cutting event for this beautiful new campus that will stand as a symbol of our community’s faith and trust in our future,”said Sandy Ellington-Graves, ABSS Board Chair.  

A committee of parents, teachers, community members, and school administrators plan to meet Thursday night to finalize the name in hopes of making a recommendation to the ABSS Board of Education in the coming weeks.